Powell Little League & Portland Little League have partnered together, and are now called South East Portland Little League.
Please visit our new website www.sepll.org for further information.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Thank you Alpenrose

An Awesome Alpenrose Day!

It was dry, it was sunny, it was windy, it was cloudy, it was a great day at Alpenrose!

Win or Lose, teams had a fun time and kids were thrilled to play on wonderful fields. Honestly, I think the parents were a little jealous they didn't get to play out there. 

We are truly fortunate to have the opportunity to play at Alpenrose free of charge and all we have to do is prep our fields, supply our own volunteers and clean up after ourselves...no problem, it takes a village!

Join me for a round of applause and HUGE THANK YOUs...